Suspension Clamps: Commonly Available Standard Products

Suspension clamps typically come in a standard design, and we have retained the U-bolt style (commonly known as boat-shaped clamps). These consist of a U-bolt bracket, a clamp body, and pressure plates made from ductile cast iron. Another type is the pre-stranded suspension clamp.

Suspension clamps are used to secure conductors to the insulator strings on straight pole towers, or to hang lightning conductors on straight pole towers. They can also be used to support changeover conductors on changeover pole towers and to secure jumper wires on tension angle poles.

These clamps are widely used in the domestic market due to their convenient and quick installation. Below are some details:

Old-style Boat-shaped Clamp

This type of clamp can be used for conductors and lightning conductors. It can withstand the installation load of conductors within vertical spans, and it must not slide or detach from the insulator string during normal operation or in the event of a line break. The bearing pressure on the poles using this type of clamp is significant.

Pre-stranded Suspension Clamp

Function and Use: This clamp is used for connecting ADSS optical cables, OPGW optical cables, and various conductors on straight pole towers. The combination of inner and outer helically stranded wires effectively protects the optical cable, avoiding concentrated stress and preventing bending stress, thereby providing protection and auxiliary damping for the optical cable. The complete set of suspension clamps includes inner and outer stranded wires, a suspension head, and matching connection fittings. The gripping force of the clamp is 10%-20% greater than the rated tensile strength of the optical cable, making installation convenient.

Suspension clamps consist of a bracket, U-bolts, and a clamp body.

Regarding the maximum deflection angle, suspension clamps have certain limits. When the clamp body turns to a certain angle, the U-bolt will be blocked by the bracket. The maximum deflection angle also relates to the suspension angle of the conductors or ground wires on either side of the pole tower, as well as the diameter of the conductors and ground wires (the conductor's outer diameter should include the thickness of the aluminum wrapping or the diameter of the protective wire). The larger the diameter, the higher the U-bolt will move up, resulting in a smaller maximum deflection angle. If the deflection exceeds the maximum limit, measures must be taken, such as using double clamps, adjusting the tower height, or specially designing new clamp types.

Based on the rotation axis, the classifications are:

1.Center Rotating Type

2.Suspended Type

3.Overhead Type